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20 years ago the question was Paper or Plastic. This fight was won by the plastic industry. The question changed in our supermarkets to Is plastic OK?


But Plastic is not OK. One way plastic bags are an incredible wast of resources. Most bags are thrown away after they there used for 10 minutes only. Often they end up in our oceans because only 12% of plastic bags are recycled in Florida. Most of them end up on landfills where they are blown away in our waterways. Ones in the water plastic particle can survive 100 years because plastic is made to last. And only 30% of all plastic particles swim on water, the majority of the wast is on the ocean floor.

It is such a small effort to replace plastic bags with reusable shopping bags. But people will not change their mined until they feel the cost in their purse.


Florida is behind on a global trend. Ireland reduced its plastic bags 2002 by 95% with a simple 30cent charge per plastic bag. Hawaii outlawed plastic bags, California has introduced a plastic bag fee, 160 US cities have a ban on plastic bags. China outlawed most plastic bags. Whole Foods, Burger King, McDonald and Trader Joe's ban Plastic Bags. 

the impact

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